Monday, October 14, 2013

Crock-pot Pork Stew

Here is another easy peasy recipe.  I have my hubby's seal of approval on this and I know it's true because he kept going back for more.


2-3 lbs of pork, chunked
marinade of choice
2-3 tbsp olive oil
2 carrots, chopped
4 potatoes, chopped
3 celery stalks, chopped
1 small can of tomato sauce
1/2 c. red wine
2 cups beef broth
water as needed

Marinade pork chunks over night in marinade if possible.  I had some left over marinade that consisted of garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, cumin, and hoisin sauce.  

When ready, brown pork chunks in large pot with olive oil.

While that browns, place chopped carrots, potatoes, and celery in the crock pot.

When pork is nice and brown, place over the veggies.

Poor tomato sauce and wine over everything.

Add beef broth last.  Make sure you add enough liquid (more broth or water)  to cover pork.   Let cook for 4-6 hours on high.

My apologies for not capturing the finished product but believe me it was GOOD!  My guests had multiple servings.  The pork was very tender and fell apart.  Left overs tasted better the following day.

Buen provecho!

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