Thursday, October 17, 2013

Apple Picking

We had such a good time this past weekend apple picking.  Now that Tink and her little friends are a bit older we all jumped on the opportunity of driving a few miles away to the apple orchards.  Everyone was looking forward to picking yummy apples except Tink.  Ms. Moody wasn't having it.  Good thing with kids, they get over it rather quickly and I was happy to see she was in better spirits as the day progressed.

This is how the lovely morning started.  Someone didn't want to pick anything.

All of Tink's friend had a great time picking their hearts away.

Waiting in line for the pony rides.  I was very hopeful that if Tink saw her friends riding she would too.  Didn't work that way.
Since Tink didn't ride, little brother had no problem taking her spot.

Here are the awesome goodies we came back home with.   We had to tap into the apple cider while we were there,  couldn't wait.  

These bad boys were so good!  Apple cider cake donuts anyone?

After a fun filled day of apple picking, pony rides, and a wagon wide everyone was pooped.  Looking forward for the next time.

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