Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hubby's Every Season Lemonade

Who doesn't love a tall glass of lemonade?  In our house we all do.  It's not just for the summer but more like all year round.  My hubby is the expert lemonade maker and has finally given me his recipe.   We make very large batches so feel free to cut the recipe in half if you need to.  Maybe drinking this lemonade will help us this cold & flu season.  Lets see!


1 1/2 c. lemon & lime juice (approximately 6 lemons & limes,  we like to mix both)
14 cups water
2 - 2 1/2 c. cane sugar (we like it tangy, so we use 2 cups)

Squeeze all lemons and limes, we use a cheaper version of this citrus juicer that I found at a discount store.

Add juice and water to pitcher and mix.  Then add sugar.  Simple as that.  I know there's not much to it but I love this formula, we even add the pulp.  The cane sugar makes the juice turn brown which I know makes a difference in taste to me.  The pitcher below holds a pretty good amount of liquid, 4 quarts.  We have enough to last a few days. 


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