Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Avocado Salad

Here is a recipe that is quick and easy.  It doesn't hurt that it's healthy too.  My hubby was gifted two humongous avocados on his last trip and to my happy kitchen it arrived.  Where we live we really don't see them this big and nice so you know I was excited.


1 large avocado
2-3 roma tomatoes
1/2 red onion, sliced thinly
2-4 tbsp of olive oil
1/2 lime

Cut up avocado, tomatoes, onion and place in bowl.

Pour olive oil over ingredients.  Add salt & pepper to taste and then squeeze lime over everything.  Mix all the ingredients.  Add cilantro.

We ended up adding sauteed shrimp to it and it was delish!  I like my salad a little on the tangy side so I used the whole lime.  Hubby thought it was too much but I really enjoyed it.  

The avocado was so big we had left over.  I sealed it nice and tight and hope it doesn't turn brown too fast because I want to eat what's left, over a warm corn tortilla, yummy!


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