Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yuca Con Mojo - Cassava with Garlic & Onion Sauce

Here is another taste of home that is great for a side dish.  Any left overs that are not too mushy can be pan fried the next day to make Yuca Fries.  Yummy!


2 lbs. of frozen yuca
4-6 tbsp olive oil
10-12 cloves garlic, add more if you like
1/2 medium red onion
2-3 limes (or vinegar)
Sea salt

Place frozen yuca in small pot.

Cover with enough water to reach 1-2 inches above yuca.  Salt to taste.  Boil on medium heat for 40 minutes.  Test for doneness by inserting fork into a piece.  If tender, Yuca is done.  Drain and set in a bowl.

To make the Mojo heat olive oil in pan.  Add garlic and onions being careful not to burn the garlic or let it turn green.   Once soft add juice of one lime.  Turn heat off and add second lime.  You can add more lime if you like it really tangy.

Pour Mojo over the yuca and enjoy!

Buen provecho!

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