Thursday, September 19, 2013

Top Baby Items That I Love

It's getting pretty close to Tank's 1st birthday and I don't know where time has gone.  My little chunkers is officially 10 months.  Before I forget, I just wanted to share a few baby items that made my life easier and that I recommend to any soon-to-be mommy whether it's their 1st time and any time after.

Muslin Blankets

These blankets are so versatile and amazing.  Light weight, breathable and soft.  They can be use for many things.  I primarily used it as a nursing cloth and stroller cover.  It is Tank's personal blankie of choice and he does not fall asleep with out hugging one of these.   They are huge, mine are 44 x 44 inches, and are great for swaddling.  Tink was born in the Spring and I don't feel like she was overheating when wrapped and Tank was born in the fall and I can say the same.  They can be pricey but I think they are worth it.  Aden & Anais make a set for Target that at times goes on sale.


I always felt like it hurt the babies when I had to use a bulb syringe.  And I never felt like I did a good job at extracting all those nasty boogies.  Then I came across the NoseFrida.  Some might think this is gross but I don't.  Don't worry it has a filter and the boogies never make it to filter anyway.  It is does a very good job of extracting and not hurting baby's nose.  My pediatrician has even recommended it.

Safety 1st 360 Ultrasonic Humidifier

I like this one because of the movable 360 spouts.  It's compact and quiet.  A full tank will last about 12 hours.  You can't go wrong with the price either.

Fisher-Price Rock n Play Sleeper

I didn't have this when my daughter was born but I sure wish I had.  She was a terrible sleeper in the bassinet.  I learned my lesson and got one when Tank was born.  Oh how sweet it was to sleep!  The baby lays on an incline and it just feels cozy for them to be in it.  The weight capacity is 25 pounds and some babies use it up until their 1st birthday.  Mine didn't (see pic below).

Just make sure to was the cover periodically to avoid any excess moisture (sweat, leaky diaper, etc) staying on the cover.

This is when I knew he had out grown it!

Stroller Frame

I debated for a while whether to get a travel system the second time around.  My experience with my first child and a travel system was that it was so big and bulky. Once she was out of the infant carseat and could sit up she truly only used it only twice.  We just went straight to an umbrella stroller.  It was less bulky, much lighter and easy to open, not mention cheaper! So between deciding on another travel system or a bulky double stroller, I remembered that stroller frames existed.  They are sooo light weight and simple to open especially when you have two kids with you.  It cost under a $100 and I am still using it. We ending up getting a double stroller anyway but a much lighter umbrella type.

Baby Brezza

I always knew I wanted to make both baby's food and this little machine sure made it easy to do it.  It steams and also blends the food in the same cup.  Less to dirty and less time to be washing up dishes and parts.  When you work full time and then need to make baby some food, it's not a big deal when you have this.  I will post a full review on this soon.

Booginhead SippyGrip

I have used this little strap to secure toys, pacifiers, and cups.  You just strap up the item and go.  It's good to use in restaurants while they sit in the high chair and stroller when you are on the go.  Our poor Sofie the Giraffe gets strapped all the time!

The items mentioned above are not necessary but they sure helped me a ton.  If your budget allows I definitely recommend looking into them.

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