Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August Photo Fun

August came and went like a flash.  It was a great month and I have a few random photos I would like to share just because.

The kids went to visit their new triplet buddies and ended up taking a dip in the pool.  Priceless!

He started climbing on furniture.

Just because her hair is this AWESOME!

Just because HIS hair is awesome!

Standing up more confidently.

I love baby feet!

ER visit = Fun Times

Learning to do dishes like Daddy.

Out for a stroll

Just because he can.

This is my view in the mornings.

Hello there!

No booster seat, eating like a big girl.

Little Man

This is how peacefully they will always play, right???


Summer wind down in full effect.  Looking forward to next month.  Let's do this!

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