Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Spanish Flash Cards

My husband and I always said that we would speak strictly Spanish at home to the kids.  They would eventually pick up English in school.  That is how we grew up, our parents only spoke Spanish.  I  personally didn't learn English until I was 5 years old, in kindergarten.

I found these flash cards on Amazon a while back and I really like them.  My daughter likes them just as much because they mimic things she is learning at daycare.  They have letters, numbers, colors, and shapes.  And even a few animals and action words all in Spanish.  The makers of the flashcards, FlashKids, have a pretty cool website with even a few freebie items to download.

Interesting that there are no Spanish words for the letter "W".  I tried googling it and only Spanglish words popped up.  I guess putting "Whiskey" on children's flashcard would not be a smart thing to do.  If anyone finds one please let me know, very curious!

These flashcards below are not in Spanish but they make it very easy for me to translate and help my daughter expand her vocabulary.  They are based the character Max the Monkey.  They go through his day such as breakfast, at school, at the park, etc.  It leaves rooms to ask questions about what they see and also goes through things that may be familiar to them and you can build from that.  I like them very much.  They also come with a cute little canvas bag.

Happy flashing!

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