Friday, December 27, 2013

Hello Disney!

Are you ready for picture overload?  We had such a great time on our first family get away.  Out of the four of us Tank behaved the best, for sure!  We have visited Disney World many times but this was the first time we've visited with kids.  Even though it definitely was a different experience, it felt even more special because the look on their faces was priceless.

Day 1 - Magic Kingdom

Here we go!

The toddler mobile was a life saver.  

Can you feel the excitement yet?

Our 1st Disney Family Portrait.

Tank laid back and enjoyed the show.

The "Move It, Shake It Parade" had great interaction.  

Someone enjoyed the Teacup ride x 2.

Tink kept switching ice cream cones with Daddy.  I guess they both tasted so good she couldn't make up her mind.  

This face of excitement melted my heart.

And so did this one.

Tink never knocks out before Tank and especially doesn't sleep through noises.  Until this day.

Day 2 - Hollywood Studios

Tank was not impressed by Stitch but was rather concerned. 

Tired and making silly faces.

Tink eating her popcorn, it's one of her major food groups at the moment.

It was a short and sweet trip that we wish lasted just a bit longer.  By far Magic Kingdom was best for kids their age.  There is so much do, we could of definitely gone back on Day 2 because you can never do it all in one day.  Disney truly is the most magical place in the world and they always make you feel that way.

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