Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Creations - Hand Painted Shoes

I cannot say how much my daughter LOVES Max & Ruby.  We have a large part of our DVR taken over by many of their episodes.  Max & Ruby's relationship truly reminds me of Tink and Tank's relationship.  I haven't seen many things out in stores for these adorable bunnies so I decided to make my own.

She loved them and our recent trip back home they are all she wanted to wear, even though they are still a little big.  How cute would a pair of these be monogramed?  If you are interested in a pair, contact me.

Contact:  happinesscove@gmail.com

Finished product

I had to restrain myself from showing her at this point.

Once the started taking shape I really wanted to finish them to see her face.

Here is a pair I am working on for my nephew.  He is a MAJOR fan!

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