Friday, August 23, 2013

Sweet Sibling Moments

Bringing second baby home was joyous and blessed moment but in the back of my mind I always wondered how big sister would respond.  My husband recalls the day he picked up our daughter to take to the hospital to meet brother.  She happily entered the car and sat in her seat and noticed that there was a second one right next to her.  Her face turned to total concern.  We had been preparing her telling her that "hermanito" was in mommy's belly and to give him a kiss  and she would.  I don't think she really realized what was going on since she wasn't even 2 yet.

She walked into the hospital room and got so excited and yelled, "Mami!", then her face changed to concern again because I was carrying a small little thing called her brother.  We told her to come meet her "hermanito" and she was very cautious.  Let just say the best part of her was that she was able to climb into my bed and play with the controls.

Through the weeks I began to see moments of pure sibling tenderness that just melt my heart.  I feel extremely blessed to have two healthy & wonderful kids.  She loves her brother and he just loves her right back.  Their faces light up when they see each other every day.

Such a yummy kiss!


This is how you should wear your hair.

Are you laughing at me?
Welcome to my crib!

The highlight of meeting brother.

I thank God every day for such wonderful blessings!

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