Monday, November 4, 2013

My Go To Seasonings

Here is a little peek into my spice cabinet.  For as long as I can remember I have been using all of the items below in different combinations.  Along with these spices I always keep fresh garlic and onion on hand because they always make any dish taste good.  For chicken, beef, and pork I usually make a marinade using a combination of a few items out of all the photos below.  Don't be afraid of them!

These are must haves in my cabinet.  If ever I am out of the fresh onion and garlic I have the powder as a back up.  Salt and pepper are very basic and are usually in all my dishes.  Then I use either oregano or rosemary, at times both.

Here is where I get my little hispanic flair.  Most of us who grew up in a hispanic household know what importance these items are in many dishes, from chicken to rice. Some for flavor others for color. (Note: Use the Bijol and Annatto in very small amounts.)

To make my marinade I usually use one or two of the liquids below.  No matter what combination you use they always seem to compliment each other.

There is no rhyme or reason in how I mix the items above.  These are great as starters and you can't go wrong.  Challenge yourself and start with one item out of every picture and season a basic chicken breast.  You will see how delicious the result and it will motivate you to try something different next time.

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