Monday, October 7, 2013

Tink's Room

With the hype we have been giving my son's room I don't want to forget how awesome it was to get my daughter's ready.  It's was so special and brings back those great memories of when she was so tiny and loud.  It was so exciting to know that we would soon have a little person occupying this big old house with us and that the sounds that we were so used to would no longer be.  Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

We wanted to stick with bright happy colors and that is why we went this route.  We figured that since it took us a little bit to get pregnant with Tink, by the time #2 would be on the way we could transition her to a more "girlie" room and use the same nursery for #2.  It didn't quite work that way since I got pregnancy with Tank when Tink was 11 months.  What happy planning we did!



Done Painting

Adding Furniture


This is my favorite thing from the room.  I made a stencil a painted stitches all along the trim and windows in the room.  In though my belly was big and heavy at the time I was determined.

Just a Little Artwork

We couldn't find this rug that went along with the bedding we found on clearance so I thought it would be great to paint it onto a huge canvas.  I was happy when it was done because it tied everything together.

Tink's Room Today

As much as I try to avoid the pink fru-fruness I can't deny that pink makes her room more girly and it's ok.  I've learned to embrace it.  It will definitely take a more girly atmosphere once I change out her curtains and add some other things down the line.

Getting this room together was a great adventure full of memories, emotions, and experiences.  I can't wait to see how this room grows with her.  So happy that the occupant of this room has come into our lives and we feel blessed every single day.

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