Friday, August 2, 2013

New Month, New Do ...

Finally got enough nerve to chop it all off!  It's been a while since I last visited my local salon.  I think my daughter wasn't even one yet and now she is two.  After debating with myself I just went and got it drastically cut.  I cannot remember the last time it has ever been this short.  Needless to say, I love it!  Just to give you an idea, this is how much was cut.

I will definitely be sending this little bundle to Locks of Love which is a non-profit organization that helps children under 21 who are suffering from long term medical hair loss.  I know it will make someone really happy.  Check them out if you are interested in donating . 

I myself feel 10 pounds lighter and am looking forward to the rest of the summer without the weight of all that hair.  

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