Thursday, November 7, 2013

TBT - Cancun

My advice to a young couple... enjoy yourselves, travel, explore, experience things together.  I can truly say that when my hubby and I started our relationship we did just that.  We love to travel and hope to continue to do that once the kids get old enough.  What a wonderful way to meet new people and be exposed to different cultures.  It makes us understand and appreciate others.

Here is one of the 1st trips we made together that brings back many memories.

The Mayan Ruins.

Impressive in a photo, even more so in person.

These are not regular steps.  Notice how everyone is coming down.

Only half way down and look how small the people on the ground look.

The Sacred Well

The natural well was used by the ancient Mayans for sacrificial offerings.  At times the elderly used to sacrifice themselves so that they wouldn't be a burden to their families.  

This may look like just a hole in the ground but once you go in, you are lead to the most beautiful cave with crystal blue water.

The was one of the very first pins on our travel map and we would love to go back some day.

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Go To Seasonings

Here is a little peek into my spice cabinet.  For as long as I can remember I have been using all of the items below in different combinations.  Along with these spices I always keep fresh garlic and onion on hand because they always make any dish taste good.  For chicken, beef, and pork I usually make a marinade using a combination of a few items out of all the photos below.  Don't be afraid of them!

These are must haves in my cabinet.  If ever I am out of the fresh onion and garlic I have the powder as a back up.  Salt and pepper are very basic and are usually in all my dishes.  Then I use either oregano or rosemary, at times both.

Here is where I get my little hispanic flair.  Most of us who grew up in a hispanic household know what importance these items are in many dishes, from chicken to rice. Some for flavor others for color. (Note: Use the Bijol and Annatto in very small amounts.)

To make my marinade I usually use one or two of the liquids below.  No matter what combination you use they always seem to compliment each other.

There is no rhyme or reason in how I mix the items above.  These are great as starters and you can't go wrong.  Challenge yourself and start with one item out of every picture and season a basic chicken breast.  You will see how delicious the result and it will motivate you to try something different next time.