Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October is Here!

Goodness!  It's October already and hard for me to realize that the year is almost over.  I know these last three months will go by fast because 3/4 of the year literally has.  Halloween is so much fun and I look forward to it all the time.  Not so much for the dressing up but more for the fun makeup things you can do to make those costumes POP!

Here I wanted to share a few family photos of some fun times.


Decided to dress as a pregnant witch in 2010.  Inspired by this video by Julia Graf.


The following year it only seemed right to dress Tink up as one as well.

The cutest baby witch I have ever seen.


Mommy and baby cat.  Daddy even dressed up as the Cat in the Hat to fit in (sorry no pics of Daddy in the costume).

Love, love, love this makeup look.  Also inspired by Julia Graf.  She has some pretty awesome tutorials.

Looking forward to this Halloween because I have two little ones to dress up.  If I can I will also do something for myself.

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